One Month of Daily Stress Busters II,
More Simple Keys to Relieving Daily Stress
Watch for Volume III Release in December 2024!
Stress is growing at a remarkable rate and continues to contribute to a large number of society’s ills! Emotional, psychological, and physical health are all severely compromised when stress takes over and has its way!
Events Trigger Potent Perceptions
In thirteen years of designing and facilitating Recovery Programs, I have found the key to experiencing Recovery in any area is found in our willingness to look the issue through new eyes. A change of perspective alters perceptions.
This month, we will be looking at some new stress busting words and examining how they can help us to take that step back, change our viewpoint, and achieve a new focus, taking aim at daily stress before it has a chance to eat away at our well-being.
Paperback or Grab 'n Go |
One Month of Daily Stress Busters
If you enjoyed the daily Stress Busters we posted in this site several years ago, now you can have ONE MONTH OF DAILY STRESS BUSTERS in one volume for the Amazon KINDLE e-reader app with the newly revised ebook.
STRESS BUSTERS is also now available as a paperback, with the inclusion of daily journal pages to chronicle your personal journey through the month.
Whether you decide to order the Grab 'n Go Kindle ebook or the Dive Deeper paperback, you can order today by clicking the link below. Thank you!
Mission Accomplished,
A Handbook for Visionaries
If you have ever wondered, like so many others, why you are here and how to achieve your full potential, you are in the right place.
Mission Accomplished will help you explore and locate your True North.
Understanding Purpose, Mission, Vision and Goals, and their powerful interaction, will take you off auto pilot and put you in the driver’s seat pointed in the direction of your incredible destiny!
Mission Accomplished will guide you through Karin's commonsense model which hundreds have successfully employed in bringing their plans, hopes and aspirations to pass since its introduction 15 years ago.
Explore the path to your destiny |
"Begin to live more powerfully
and more significantly -
the journey begins today!"
Mission Accomplished
"A day of worry is more
exhausting than a day of work."
Sir John Lubbock (1834-1913)
Walking Alongside:
Through Life with the Holy Spirit
(An In-depth Group Bible Study)
If your prayer group, Bible study, or Christian book club has been seeking a study that will take you deep into the practicalities and intricacies of life in and with the Spirit, Walking Alongside may be what you've been looking for.
If you have yearned for more of God, a deeper connection through the Spirit, longing to practice His presence more closely, learning how to live with the One Who walks alongside, the Paraclete, is the practical beginning.
Walking Alongside addresses the spiritual side of a daily walk with the Holy Spirit as well as the all-important practicalities. Each chapter addresses several topics, each of which offers points for reflection, discussion and chronicling along the way.
A Practical Daily Walk with God |
"If we live in the Spirit,
let us also walk in the Spirit."
Galatians 5:25 KJV